A - B
Abbott, David - went to Australia aged 19, studied and became a solicitor and large land owner. Died in Buchanan Hospital while visiting his daughter in Hastings.
Abraham, Robert, local stonemason, Abraham, William, son, remembered Annie, and son Robert WW1
Absolon, William & grandson, Hackebarth, William H H - We do not know a lot about William Absolon, partly because it was a common name in Wallingford. From whence he came, probably for his health. Also mentioned is his grandson, William H H Hackebarth, who died aged 10 months. William was only 39.
Adair, Rose - died while visiting St Leonards with her husband, William Thompson Adair of the Royal Marines.[Later General Sir W T Adair]
Adams, Charles - local fisherman who died of pneumonia while on leave from H.M.S."Island Prince" WW1
Adams, Henry - Drowned March 3 1891 on the breakup of the Linnet
Adams, James & parents Edward & Alice - fishing family; James served in the RAF, WW1
Adams, John Paine & Rachel - came to Hastings, publican of “Cottage Inn” St Andrews Road (later Queens Road)
Alderton, Charles J.P. Hastings ironmonger (c1813-1885)
Allen, George & parents, George Thomas & Naomi - Grave has a “Book of Remembrance for other family members. George was killed in WW1, 1918
Allfrey, Charles Henry & Emily Malden - doctor, lived locally; while practising in Kent signed Charles Darwin's death certificate.
Anson, Sir Archibald Edward Harbord & Isabelle Jane - last Lieutenant Governor of Penang, author (autobiography) resident and officer holder in Hastings for many years.
Arbuthnott, John Campbell, Jeannie and Hugh Hamilton - Hugh killed in action, buried in what is now Iraq, WW1- 1915
Armitage, Stephen - founder of Icilma Cosmetics Company
Armitage, Dr.James, wife & daughter Laurie Elizabeth - retired to Netherwood, lost 3 sons in WW1, also active in Icilma.
Armitage, James Allan Ross & Ruth, Ruth's sister, Muriel Estelle - in their uncle's grave - WW1
The Austin Brothers, Eric Mannington and Frank Ernest - one serving in UK forces, one in New Zealand forces. Killed in WW1 within a year of each other
Baker, General William Adolphus - served in India, died St. Leonards.
Balcombe, Charles Edward local; died WW1, 1917
Balcombe - local family; Elizabeth Esther - lady's maid, husband, Edward John - ; son, Edward John William - KIA, WW1
Ball, Richard & Family - Captain of the New Albertine pleasure yacht for many years
Banks, John - a schoolmaster and so much more, author of a book on smuggling, son of a receiver, interests in astronomy, physics, chemistry, maths, meteorology. A local benefactor
Bannister, Sodi, Maud & Fred - local family; Frederick killed in action, WW1 - 1917
Barker, Rev. William & Eleanor, his wife - Pastor of Wellington Square Baptist Church for many years.
Barnes, Janet Keith - amongst other Christian bequests left money to the schools of Christ Church, St Leonards. Ornamented memorial seems to have a quartet of otters at the top of the upright of the cross.
Barthram, Edward, Ivy & Florence - Hastings born, served in Navy during WW1 and later with the Coastguard
Batley, Rev. William & Catherine, - established almshouses in Fairlight
Bawtree, Dinah & Henry, and their grandson, Lawrence Bawtree Meredith - hidden stories? Their grandson was with them in 1891 aged 7; they died a month apart.
Beagley, Richard & Mary - lived locally, members of the temperance movement.
Beaney, W. F & Family - wife Lucy and sons Charles Arthur and Albert Edward, both in the Navy, lost within six weeks of each other. Local Family; WW1
Beasley, Charles & Family - brewing family from Kent, one son and his wife developed an important ethnographic collection.
Beck, Elizabeth, Moses & Family - lived locally
Beck, Samuel - "Prisoners' Friend" Quaker, responsible for building of Halton Mission Hall, and his daughter, Susannah Rickamn Beck, who was training to be a minister in India when she died, and granddaughter, Agnes Beck.
Beck, William Coker and Jane
William Crabbe (Grandson) Major, died WW1
Bennett , Hugh Chaffey - moved to Hastings and lived here for 11 years with wife and daughter , also remembered son Hugh Chaffey, Late Captain S. S. "Oratova" [wherein lies a mystery]
Bennett, Samuel James - well known in local Nonconformist circles
Berridge, Alice Georgina - lived in St Kitts, West Indies
Betts Family, William, Elizabeth & Henry Thomas - local fisherman, drowned
Betts, Mary Anne & Jane - - daughters from a Hastings fishing family, died at different times, both aged 44
Bishop, Daniel Edward - doctor; served in te Union Forces of the American Civil War as paymaster. Died in Hastings.
Blomfield, Barbara & Elizabeth (Lizzie) - daughters of Henry & Elizabeth, below; long time residents in Hastings
Blomfield, Henry & Elizabeth - Jamaican missionaries, later ran a school in Hastings, parents of the Blomfield photograpers
Blomfield, john Henry & Elizabeth (and 2 children) -
Blomfield, William Knibb - Hastings photographer
Blount, Madeline and Patrick Clavell - Madeline was born Ventris; a voluminous author on various subjects and was a campaigner against the fluoridation of the public water supply
Boase, Frederic - lawyer and biographer, (Modern English Biography, in 6 volumes) died in St Leonards. Writer
Bonar, Mary J - ran an old folks’ home in St Leonards. - Reinterred/buried, with her murdered sister-in-law and niece.
Bond, Mary Ann & J. L. Evans family - she was for many years a faithful and affectionate servant and friend, in the family of Mr. J. L Evans, who was for many years the principal clerk in the Paymaster's Office in the Supreme Court, before retiring to Hastings about 20 years ago.
Booth, Edward Thomas - Lived for some time, and married locally. Founder of Booth Museum of Natural History. Buried with his parents, Edward and Marianne. No memorial remains.
Boreham, Harry Pendry - acting second lieutenant, died WW1 (Family grave, Harry White Boreham and his wife Emma)
Borrow Family Local school teachers, artist
Bosting, George & Caroling Annie. - George was killed in action, WW1, 1917.
Boucher, Thomas - “a many sided local celebrity” greengrocer, theatrical agent, actor, fireman,swimmer, stuntman………
Boulnois, Charles & Family - legal, India, explorers, Sudan, authors, artists……..
The Bowerman Family, William, Edith (later Chibnall) & Elsie - Edith and Elsie, who survived the Titanic disaster, were strong in the suffragette movement.
Bowser, Ida Thekla - WW1; journalist, author, VAD nurse
Boyd, General Brooke & his 2nd wife Albina His obituary in HSLO is headlined "Old Indian Veteran"
Bradnam, Edwin, Eliza Rosina and Gertrude - lived in Hastings from 1868; Mayor, Captain, Voluntary Fire Brigade, many other civic activities. Accidental death.
Brasier, Charles - Crew, James and Elizabeth, local fisherman, drowned
Brasier, William - James and Elizabeth, local fisherman, drowned
The Bray Family:
John & Elizabeth Bray et al– Local baker
Bertram Bray - their son, organist at St Peter’s, St Leonards
John & Agnes Bray - et al Bertram’s brother (& employer) Alderman/Auctioneer, Estate Agent
Cicely Evelyn Garrod, née Bray - daughter of John & Agnes, decorated nurse, WW1
Brazier,Henry - drowned - Henrietta
Breeds, Edgar, son of Edward (below) - WW1 naval, lost with ship.
Breeds, Edward James (Tiny), Landlord, The London Trader, Councillor, Owner of Edward & Mary
Brett, Rowland Brandon - son of Thomas; lovely angel monument
Brett, Thomas Brandon - local journalist and veteran local historian, amongst much else
Bridgeland Carrots - Hastings family, three sons and a son-in-law killed in WW1
Bridges, Ada & Henry, of whom little is known, and their son Eric, who died in action on 29th January, 1917
Briggs Family - William James, (WW1 casualty) Eliza and Thomas Charles - family lived locally for many years
Brind, Frederick William & family - wine merchant & businessman, lived in St Leonards for a number of years.
Brind, General Sir James G.C.B, R.A. - A much respected soldier in India, uncle of the above, lived in Upper Maze Hill for some years
Brookham, Sarah & John - John served in the borough police and the East Sussex Constabulary in Ore, Northiam, Rye, Bexhill
Brooks, William Alfred - A Church Lads’ Brigade funeral; he was for five years a member of Blacklands Choir, and a sergeant in the Church Lads’ Brigade.
Broughton, Joshua & Harriet Mary Ann - retired to Hastings, where their daughter Alice married Henry Blackman, of Upfield & Sons
Brown, Darell, Louisa & Henry - served in Honourable East India Company, Bombay; lived locally and were charitable.
Browne, Margaret & Dr. John Harris - Pastoralist in South Australia, member of Sturt’s expedition, and much more, ably supported by his wife
Brown, Private Hugh Herbert Wiggins, born in St Leonards; Canadian Infantry; WW1, died 1918
Browne, Clara, George, Georgina & Thomas - George was Assistant Accountant in the India Office.
Buckerfield, Mary Ann[e]- the valued servant of Rev. E Woodyatt
Jane Bulkeley Johnson (nee Head) and various members of the family, involved in government, the military and trade.
Bullock, Rev. William C Bullock - Rector of Ore from 1897 to 1929
Bullock, Mrs. Helen Janetta - wife of the above, who died in 1952 and continued to work in the parish in many roles.
Bullock, Canon Frederick W B - son of above, a prodigious author and rector of Church in the Woods, Hollington
Bumstead, Stephen J - local, serving with the 5th Royal Sussex, died aged 16. WW1- 1914
Bumstead, William Captain of the James and Elizabeth, local fisherman, drowned
Burgess, Albert & Ellen
Burgess, Philip John - local; died WW1
Burgess, Reginald T - local; died WW1 1918
Burguieres, Philippe Julien - French language & literature professor, inhabitant of Hastings for many years, remembered on two gravestones, one in Kent.
Burrell, John Charles & Matilda - In 1891 they are living at “Blacklands”, Baldslow Road, Hastings. John was a retired watch-maker, and Matilda living on her own means. They both played a large part in the church and other civic responsibilities.
Butler John James & Family - owner of Butler’s Emporium.
Wallace Butler, Sergeant - DCM died in France, WW1. Son of John Butler, the owner of the famous Emporium in George St. Remembered on family gravestone - John and Mary
Butter, Donald & Eliza, and son Arnold - Donald was a surgeon, Opium Examiner and later Inspector General of Hospitals with the Bengal Medical Establishment of the East India Company. Arthur retired as a Major-General having served in the Bengal Staff Corp.
C - D
Caine, William Hull & Agnes Shakespear - a Lieutenant General Royal [late Madras] Artillery. He was the son of Col. W Caine Lt. Governor of Hong Kong. Agnes was his ‘devoted wife’ eldest daughter of General Sir Richard Meade. Retired to St Leonards. [India, Mutiny]
Campbell, William, Mary Ann & family: William was a surgeon, of Wellington Square
Cannon, Martin M and Eliza - first marriage in Australia, children born there. A geneological mystery
Carpenter Family - Henry laid out the Borough Cemetery and was the architect of the Silver Hill Chapel in 1857, later St Luke’s Church, to which he contributed the sum of £5 towards the building costs.
Jack (Joseph) Bertram Catt Hastings born, died in WW1
Joseph and Harriett Catt Local Builder
Cayley Family - Charles Bagot Cayley was a leading figure in the London Philological Society, a very able linguist and a friend of the Rosettis. He and Christina fell in love but didn’t marry because of religious differences.
Chambers: Frederick, Sophie & Edith -
Frederick Chamier (1796–1870) Novelist, Naval Captain
Chapman, Alfred James - Fish Buyer of Hastings
Chapman, Charles & Family - St Leonards’ Dairy Dynasty
Chapman, Charles, wife & daughter - Builder, and one of the founders of Mount Pleasant Church
Chapman, Henry - builder of Old Humphrey Avenue, Letting Agent, Landlord and The Hughenden Hall opened at 97 All Saints Street
Chapman, Peter & Family - Solicitor; born and practised in Barbados
Chesney, Isabel - murdered by her husband, buried with her aunt and Mother
Childers, Katherine Ann AW G30
Clarke, E. E., Annie & son Hubert - local draper, office holder, literary & artistic member of many societies, a noted supporter of the Entente Cordiale
Clowes , Sir William Laird - a British journalist, author and historian, whose principal work was "The Royal Navy, A History from the Earliest Times to 1900" [still in print] Buried with his wife, Ethel Mary Louisa
Cobb, Alf, and his second wife Mary - both hawkers in Hastings; “Some of the jiggery-pokery uncovered by Cobb went into Robert Tressell’s book and I’m sure Cobb’s uncompromising, sardonic and fearless style helped to fire him to speak his mind.” [Ball 123]
Considine, Jane - died in Hastings
ooper, Helen Johnston - relict of a superintendent of P & O, Bombay (India)
Cooper, Captain John Robert Deane R. N. & Wife, Beatrice Susan (later Davies?) Distinguished naval service
Cope, Charles Elvey - a writer, poet, composer, organ builder, organist and choirmaster was born in 1870 in St Leonards
Corbett, Andrew & Gibson Family, of Glasgow and Melbourne
Corby, Charles & Desiree Hortense Blanche - He was a London tailor and they lived at lived at Hollybank, Seddlescombe Road South. Currently there is not a lot known of them.
Corry Family - The youngest daughter, Mayflower, to whom most of the memorial is dedicated, diesd at the Convent in Old London Road, Hastings, in 1863
Cousins, Henry - historian of Hastings, and for many years one of its most prominent townsmen, author of “Hastings of bygone days - and the present”
Coussens, Joseph David - The Story of “RX Boy Billie 61” and those lost with her
Cowie, Edward - Solicitor of Calcutta who died at Hastings, aged 35. [India]
Cowley, Francis & son Harry - Harry died of war injuries, 1916, and his father, Francis, an artistic chef and confectioner, died 1927
Cox, Charles William George - died of tuberculosis on 11th May 1919. WW1
Cox, Major-General William - brief account of the first monument in the Cemetery.
Creed, Henry - died WW1 - family grave, Richard and Harriet Creed
Craigie, Mary Jane, General Sir Patrick Edmonstone & daughter Elizabeth Henrietta – a Scottish Indian Army family, lived in Hastings for many years.
Croft, Sir Frederick Leigh , Baronet - Sir Frederick Leigh Croft was the general manager of the leading British managing agency in Karachi, Douglas Graham and Company and only non-Indian on the Board of directors of The Bank of India. Locally he was everybody's friend and a helping hand in time of need.
Culhane, Frederick W. S & Lucy - F.W.S. was variously Medical Officer, Hastings Union, no.3 district; Workhouse Medical Officer, Board of Guardians; District medical officer; President of the East Sussex Medico-Chirurgical Society etc. Lucy died in the same year her youngest child was born.
Culhane, Robert Crowdy - a promising life cut short, during but not by, WW!. (More on members of the Culhane family coming soon.)
And - James, Minnie Agnes - dearly loved friend and Nannie to the family of the late Dr. F W. S. Culhane
Culhane, Rosalind & Rosalind Mary = Mother & sister respectively of F W S Culhane. Rosalind a “beloved Mother”.
Dalrymple, George Augustus Elphinstone Scottish, Explorer Australia
Dalziel, Agnes - remembered on grave of “faithful servant”
Daumas /Hope family - unusual wheel memorial, Children of French missionaries in Orange Free State, South Africa.
Davis, William Ernest - monument and CWG grave; Died at Cooden Camp, 1916. WW1
Dawes Family Royal Navy, Coastguard, Canada
de Falbe, Charles Vigant Monterossi Captain, Royal Danish Navy
De Selvier Family Composers [?] Worked for J. B. Cramer & Co.,a musical instrument manufacturing, music-publishing and music-selling business in London & Dublin
de Wesselow, Francis Guillemard Simpkinson - naval officer, served under Joseph Kay's nephew; renowned 'Tasmanian' artist; nephew of Sir John Franklin's wife, Jane. Married locally. Friend of Samuel Prout's nephew, and of JMW Turner
Deas, Marion Cairns, & daughters Margaret Fleming, Mary Jane, Marion Jessie, & son Cairns - all born in Scotland; Cairns was a civil engineer in Calcutta and lived in Hastings Street
Dennett Family - see below
Dennet, Thomas Frank Preston Thwaites - killed in action in WW1 - remembered on a family tomb with his parents, brother-in-law and nephew
Dernbach Family - see Dunbar, J
Devey, George - Architect & unacknowledged Father of the Arts & Crafts Movement
Dewar, Rev. David Erskine - there are a number of Dewars and Parrys in the Cemetery, but we are not currently aware of any connection (watch this space!) But we do know that he was the father of Annie Clementina Makalua.
Dibley, Johnathon & Emma & William Dengate - local contractor, his daughter and son-in-law
Diplock, William - Father (buried in All Saints) & son - local librarians, and lots more besides
Disraeli, Isabella Anne - wife of James, Benjamin Disraeli's brother.
duke, William
Dixon, James W Navy
Duke, William & Sarah - Doctor; lived in St Leonards
Dunbar, John Thomas - local; died from illness contracted while serving; WW1
Dunk, Henry George Murder Victim
Dunn, Thomas Henry & his son, Harry - Tracing the occupants of this broken gravestone revealed several sad stories.
Dunster, George - James and Elizabeth, local fisherman, drowned
Dyer, Edward Arnold, & his parents Edward & Annie - killed at Gallipoli, WW1. “Mr. Dyer's life has been one of great activity in the public interest, and although he only came to Hastings in his later days, he was very well known in the town.”
Dymond, Thomas Southall & Isabel Emily - Mrs. Dymond became a magistrate in June 1922 so that while Alderman Dymond was Mayor, both husband and wife were entitled sit on the magisterial bench - a very rare occurrence.
E - G
Eastwood, Rev. Johnathan - author; curate at St Leonards for a very short time
Edmunds, Lance-Corporal William - Royal Engineers; from a local family, died of septicaemia as a result of wounds resulting from an accident, WW1.
Elliot, Lieut.Col the Hon Gilbert Rifle Brigade
Elworthy, Thomas & Louisa - councillor, architect, engraver, draughtsman. Louisa was a Hastings girl
Ernsting, Frederick Augustus, Mary Anne, and son Charles - local trader, tailor etc.
Eshelby,Edwin Manager of the London House of Steinway and Sons
Eshelby, Eva Emma - daughter of above
Evans, Kingsley Alan - a private in the 48th Battalion Canadian Infantry; uncle lived locally; died WW1, pneumonia
Ewbank, Emma Jane & memorial to one of her sons, Rev. Charles - Widow of English born South Australian churchman
Farrier Family - three sons killed in WW1, seven family members in forces. Thomas Matthew Farrier - Unmarked grave.
William Felton-Smith - lived locally; Chief Petty Officer, in the Royal Naval Volunteers. Died WW1
Field, Fanny & Walter Cemetery Superintendent
Finny, Thomas George Roecastle Gentleman, Commander Royal Indian Marine Service, youngest child born locally
Foster, Rev. Charles, Edith Susan & Herbert Knollys - local connections, Herbert was KIA, WW1 1914, just a month before his 20th birthday.
Foster, Maria Jane, Walter Edwin & Cyril Lambert - adjoining graves but difficult to read, so not sure exactly how related. (Cyril served as Lambert) died from sickness relating to WW1 service.
Foster, Percy George WW1
Freeman, William and Caroline & daughter Elizabeth - local family
Fuller, Henry Arthur, local; Fuller & Swatland (Provisioners) & Fuller, Henry Arthur, son of above; WW1 casualty
Furley, William Deey - very little known
Furniss, Harry - cartoonist, illustrator, traveller, writer, lecturer and pioneer animator. Active locally
Gale, Frank - local; died in the Middlesex War Hospital WW1 1917
Gallop, William Arch. & Harriet - local fisherman and mariner
Galloway, Cecil Hinds Arthur - Corporal, WW1 wounded, died in Military Hospital
Gambier, Dr. Thomas Founder and Medical Superintendent of the Eversfield Hospital
Gant, Major John Castle - Solicitor, lived locally, died Chiddingly, buried with his aunt in Hastings Cemetery; lived to 100.
Gant, William John & Family - Architect & Surveyor; appointed by the Town Council to make a survey of the built up areas of the town. Appointed Borough Surveyor.
Gardiner Family - Rev. George Gregory
Gardiner, George Edward (Reverend)
Gardiner, Selina Harriet - local Sunday School teacher
Gardiner, Charles Gregory - Commander, RN
Gardiner, Robert Septimus - Businessman and interested in the arts
Gardiner, Gerald Austin - Lord Chancellor
Gardner, William - American, inventor of the Gardner Gun
Garnier, Captain John Warren - lived locally for some years; casualty WW1
Garrod, Cicely Evelyn , née Bray - daughter of John & Agnes, decorated nurse, WW1.
Gedge, William Edward. Emily Isabella & baby Herbert - William spent many years in Ghana and the family then went to Melbourne, where Herbert was born (and died) William was a Landing Waiter in the Customs Service
Gibb, James Torrance - 10 years old, on holiday from Canada, died in St Leonards
Gibbons, Sir Sills John 1809-1876 - Lord Mayor of London
Gibson, Thomas Barton - local, teacher, died of wounds received in action, WW1 1917
Giffard, Lucy Sophia Ada - The middle daughter in a family of three, born at Chillington Hall, in Staffordshire, she seems to have spent much of her life in care in Hastings and surroundings.
Ginner, Will & Anne - coal merchant, owner of the Pelican, probably the most famous collier on Hastings Beach. He was a JP and Mayor in 1854, 1858 and 1862
Glen, John M Grey, his wife, sister in law, (M A Graham) and step-son - (Thomas Goldsworthy) Lucknow story, some of the mourners at the funerals
Glenister, William Montagu - “Father of the Hastings Police Force”; Founder of the Volunteer Fire Brigade, Inventor - Glenister-Merryweather Fire-fighting Tricycle
Goldberg, Rev. John Benjamin & Isabella - a rabbi who converted to Christianity and became a missionary
Godney, Lt. Col Philip & Mary Louisa - Philip was killed in the Indian Mutiny,and Mary escaped with some of their children
Goodsell, Rowland & William - local, both drowned, 12 years apart
Goss-Custard, Sarah & Walter - organist and choir master of Christchurch St Leonards for 43 years
Gouffe, Alphonse Chef, French
Grant, Robert George Hunter - Major General in the Royal (Madras) Horse Artillery. Resident in St Leonards for some years prior to his death. [India]
Gravenor, William Thomas - Member of United Conservative Association, Vicar's Churchwarden at Emmanuel Church
Graves Family - moved from Kent to become a ‘local’ family
Graves, Charles Atkins - landscape artist & drawing master
Green, Horace Salkeld - born locally; Major (acting Lieutenant Colonel) KIA WW1
Greenhill, Alexander & Laura - doctor; writer; founder of Hastings Cottage Improvement Society
Guidici, Paolo Emiliani = Italian man of letters; Artist & engraver, Professor of Aesthetics in Florence, Member of Italian Parliament. His most famous work remains the History of Italian literature, a valuable document of romantic criticism prior to De Sanctis. Died at Glenmoor, Silverhill Park
H - L
Hall, Samuel (Knight) & Family - family lived locally; left money to fund scholarships still in existence
Hanby, Edward Wrey - born in India, WW1 related death from tuberculosis
Hansard, Arthur Agar - Master Mariner, a varied life, sailed between England and Australia over many years, lived in Queensland for some years, retired to England
Harkness, Major-General John Granville , J.P. - officer in the 55th Foot throughout the Crimean War; retired with the rank of Major-General
Harris, Henry William and Adelaide Emma - local family
Harman, Rachel & Henry Zebulon - He first went to sea when 10 years old and all his life was much respected by his comrades.
Harte, Hamet Williama & Rev. Edward John - Siblings. Related to Peter Chapman and family of Barbados
Alfred Hassam - a portrait painter and stained glass designer who worked mainly in Birmingham
Hatchard, Reverend John Alton & Harriet Sophia Woodworker, author, property developer, St Leonards Commissioner etc.
Hatton, Frederick W - died WW1 - remembered on grave of F.G. Hatton, father.
Hawkins, Emily aka Laurence Therval, actress
Head, Jane & family Army, India
Head, Samuel Creagh Army, India
Head, William & his wife, later Frances Breach. Despite the impressive obelisk in in pink granite not a lot is known of this couple. Frances subsequently married a William James Breach
Helsdown, James Arthur - crew, of The Pioneer, fishing boat, drowned.
Hennah Family – Navy, Coastguard (local) Merchant Navy, Lost at Sea
Heritage, Audrey - from Bexhill; VAD Nurse, died aged 17; WW1
Hickman, Louisa (Daisy) & John - Last owner of Hole Farm. Louisa is described as "A charming personality and worker for charity" and John as "A Sad Loss to the Farming Community". Also on the gravestone and their youngest daughter Sybil and her husband Harry Wells.
Hickman, John George & family - local butcher
Hickman, Jack - KIA WW1 1917
Hilder, William Roland - Engineer of the Cyril & Lillin Bishop, killed in the Swan Inn Bombing.
Hill, Frederick J - from local family, serving with Canadian forces, WW1, died in hospital, 1916
Hogg, Mary Louisa - Suffragette, & seller of suffragette newspaper - in all weathers
Holman Family Gravestone
Holman, Joseph Cecil Irish Constabulary, Murder victim
Hook, Sidney Herbert - WW1 - presumably died of wounds, an accident or illness as his death was registered locally and he is buried in the cemetery in a family grave.
Hope / Daumas family - unusual wheel memorial, Children of French missionaries in Orange Free State, South Africa.
Hopper, Mary Anne - For 63 years faithful nurse and friend in the family of Rev. W. Darnell
Howarth, William Conquest, and his wife Emily Maria - Lt.Col. The Buffs and West India Regiment
Howell Family Local builders, Mayor 1878, influential local family
Howell, Herbert Edgar Son & grandson of Howell & Son, died in WW1
Huckle, Dr. Arthur Henry Headley Dentist, Lawyer, Local Doctor and much more
Arthur Foord Hughes - son of Arthur Hughes, painter associated with the Pre-Raphaelites, Arthur junior was a painter in the same mould and lived for many years in the area.
Hutchings, George local; journalist, mayor
Hume, Sarah - born Blomfield; (son John on her parent’s grave - Blomfield)
Icely, Caroline Charlotte - eldest daughter of a family listed in “Australian Royalty: Geneology of the colony of NSW
Ingelton, Mary Anne Rosina, Daisy & Henry, - one of those stories where the story the memorial records, conceals the facts
Ionides Family Original owners, Windycroft; British based Greek family, members of London Society, patrons of the arts. Related by marriage to Danreuthers
Jacob, Lieut.Col. Harold Fenton - Served in India and South West Arabia: was author of two books about his experiences. Retired to Hastings.
James, Laura Elizabeth - a much decorated New Zealand nurse, whose ashes were scattered in the Garden of Remembrance.
Jarrett, Boaz Local builder, employer of Robert Tressell
Jarvis, William Le Roy - an American from Florida serving with the Canadians, stationed in St Leonards, married a local girl. Died WW14
Jempson, Charles - Shipwright, innkeeper, Workouse resident, unmarked grave.
Jenkins, Brigadier General Noble Fleming - "In a time of peace he had died a soldier's death, so they gave him a soldier's funeral"
Jenkins, Peter & Family - builder, contractor, monumental mason, carman, smith and wheelwright
Jerdon, Flora Alexandrina Matilda - married & lived in Madras for many years. Resident in St Leonards for some years prior to her death. [India] (Buried in above tomb)
Jinks, Alfred Newman - local; son of Sarah & William; KIA WW1
Job, Joseph & Charlotte & son Adam Pentecost Job
Job, Susannah, James Hadden and daughter Susan
Job, Joseph Hadden & Maria - son of Joseph
Job, Rebecca & Kerenhappuch - daughters of Joseph
Jones, Richard Nelson Navy
Jones Sydney Edward - local; killed in action, WW1, aged 18, 1918
Jowers, Alfred & his second wife, Charlotte - architect and surveyor and possibly an artist
Kane, John James (known in Hastings as James Harvey
Kapadia, Zoe & Ardeshir - Zoe came to stay with her daughter in Hastings when she became ill, and died here. Her husband, a barrister and councillor for Ilford, visited the grave every weekend, and asked that his ashes should be buried in the same grave.
Kearne, Hubert Lindsey - lived locally; returned from abroad to fight in WW1, suffered severely and was found drowned
Kember, Hilda Maud, Morten & John William - lived locally; John KIA, WW1 1914
Kemp, Dr. William George, - for many years one of the leading practitioners of Wellington, New Zealand. He returned to England in 1892 and later came to live in Hastings. His daughter, Elise, a nurse, was killed in action in France, WW1.
Kent, Herbert - local, killed in action, WW1, 1917
Kent, Maria Penelope - died far from her home in Whitchurch, Shropshire
Kenward, Henry - dairyman of Courthouse Street
Kenwood, John Builder
Kernot, Dr. George Charles & his wife Eliza - a very well known resident of Hastings
Kincaid, Captain Sir John Army, Author
King, George W & Sarah, and their sons Frederick (KIA, France, WW1, 1917) and Edwin ( KIA, Greece,WW1, 1918)
Kinnis, John McGregor - Sergeant, MM and Bar - local, remembered on the grave of his grand
parents, John and Mary; KIA, WW1
Lake, James, Fanny, Eustace, Geoffrey & Frank Gilbert - Frank died at Ypres, WW1 1915 and Geoffrey died in Canada, WW1 - on active service' 1918
Land, Edgar Hubert - buried HBC, died WW1 1917
Langham, James George & Family - Local Solicitor; lived in the High Street
Langton, Charlotte nee Wedgwood – Charles Darwin's sister-in-law; artist
Lansdell Family builder, landowners, solicitor, surveyor
Larkins, Colonel Roberston & Fanny Larkins - frequent visitors to, then resident in, Hastings. (Indian Service)
Leeson, Albert Edmund & Alice - he was a distinguished graduate (M.A. M.D.) of Trinity College. Dublin, and practised in Buenos Aires, London, Switzerland, etc. Alice supported him in his work, visiting patients.
Deeping, Dr. George & wife Marion - parents of author Warwick Deeping. Lived at “Oaklands”, top of St Helen’s Park Road
Lehmann, Hedwig Helena - little is known
Leighton, George Alfred & Family - a tailor who later became the inn keeper of Railway Inn, St. Leonards. His son George became a tailor in George Street.
Lepper, William - James and Elizabeth, local fisherman, drowned
Lesage, Seraphine Titine - French, a loyal servant to local family
Lewns, Carleton James - Auctioneer, Bailiff etc. Member of the Fire Brigade; vocalist.
Lewis, William Russell - Born 1st August 1909 in Melbourne, Australia. He died, aged 15 at Buchanan Hospital, Hastings. Before this, while in England, he attended school in Hastings.
Lindridge, George - organist at St Mary in the Castle, Professor of Music, composer, Owner - pianoforte, harmonium & music warehouse, no.44 Robertson St.
Ling, Raymond - killed in France in 1917 aged 24 [WW1]is remembered on the grave of his mother Ellen
Long, William, Newsagent & Tobacconist at no.90 Norman Rd in 1880; a Crimean War veteran (and author) & local temperance evangelist; his son Harry had a shop at no.88, & Harry's wife Annie
Lovack-Land, lived locally; three sons died in WW1
Ludlam Family - workers for the Church (related to Beasleys)
The Lutwidge Family - local church stalwarts; Lewis Carroll’s relations
M - P
M’Clelland, John and Sophia Swaine - a very busy man, spent most of his life in India. He was a surgeon with wide ranging interests, including metallurgy, geology and biology. Sophia was his widower, and although remarried, was buried with him. (Also spelt McClelland)
MacDonald, Ernest James MacDonald - Indian Mutiny Veteran; Bandsman, Composer, well known in local musical circles
Mackinnon, Thomas Alexander- : killed in action Indian Mutiny 1857; & siblings, Mary and John Pryce - Hastings residents
Miroy, Ivy Gwendoline - killed by enemy action in London, this is something of a mystery.
Mackintosh, Andrew & Elizabeth - importer living in Buenos Aires; died at Levetleigh.
Makalua, Matthew M (Dr), MRCS, LRCP & Annie Clementine First ethnic Hawaiian to qualify as a doctor
Manley, William Henry, Naomi & William Robert - a local family with a lovely memorial stone, whose story turns out to be more complicated than first thought
Mansell, Dr. Edward Rosser Civil Surgeon - Zulu Wars; Assistant Surgeon for the East Sussex, Hastings and St. Leonards Hospital
Marchant, William James - first WW1 casualty to die at Old Hastings House
Marsden, Dr. James Loftus & Rosa - Water cure doctor (from Malvern) and daughter
Marten, Sir Alfred George, QC - an English politician and barrister. Lived and died in St Leonards
Mason, Thomas & Elizabeth - lived at Silverhill, Elizabeth a local benefactor
Mastin Family - owners of Mastins, the once famous Breeds Place department store
Mathews, Arthur William Henry - died of injuries received in the WW1 - in 1930 and Agnes Irene, his wife
Matters Porter, Muriel - born in South Australia, a suffragist who was the first woman to "speak" in the British Parliament (cremated)
Meads, Harriet & William - they honeymooned in St Leonards, and returned to live there, before spending some years in Bexhill before returning to take an active part in the life of St Leonards. William was a dentist and a Town Councillor. Menzies "Lady"Mary Anne nee Bonar - murdered with her daughter, by her son-in-law
Meech, Mark, Mary & Willie; - lived locally - Meech, William Samuel - KIA WW, 1916 /
Miller, Charles Williams, greengrocer
Mills,Lillian, Marguerite and John Vivian Gottleib - married twice, he was by vocation a colonial administrator and judge, died in Switzerland. Author
Moller, Johannes Heinrich Ludwig - Artist & painter - Exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1847-1873. Lived locally for some years.
Monger, George V.C. Army, India
Montague, Susanna & Archie - born Melbourne, WW1, KIA 1916
Moon, Lewis Samuel, Mary Adelaide & Richard - local; Richard KIA 1917
Moor, Thomas Alexander - lived locally for many years, buried in a grave of four
Moore, Frank Frankfort - a poet, dramatist, biographer, novelist, lived in St Leonards. [Author]
Moore, Dr. George & Jane – Lived in Hastings at various times, and retired here. Wrote poems and medical works. [Author]
Morphett, Ann & Fanny - Wife and elder daughter of George Morphett, who was appointed secretary for the Secondary Towns Association – South Australia. The family travelled between South Australia and England over a period of years.
Mortimer, Cassandra & daughters - from Ireland, daughters living here in 1891
Muggridge, John Edward (Ned) - brother of Harry, below - The Story of “RX Boy Billie 61” and those lost with her
Muggridge, Harry Daniel - brother of Ned, above - skipper of The Pioneer, fishing boat, drowned
Naik, Krishnaswami - of Manjarabad. A descendent of the chiefs of Balam in Mysore
Narbeth, John Harper British naval architect designed the 1906 HMS Dreadnought and HMS Flat Iron - a seaplane recovery vessel
Neave, Alice Headley, nee Huckle - Local artist
Newton, Rev. F E, of St Matthew’s Church, St Leonards, Ellen and their son Frances G, an architect & archaeologist. Ellen was an artist, a church worker and founded the Poor Children’s Convalescent Home
Nicolson, Caroline, and two of her grown children, Malcolm and Mary, both born in India. Malcolm served, and is buried, in India with his wife, Adela Florence, known as Violet.
Niven Family Army, Medicine, India, Scottish
Noakes, Sarah & Thomas - he was a postman; they died within to days of each other and were buried together on the same day. The grave is a little overgrown.
Noakes, Thomas, Matilda & Vivian - Vivian was killed in action, WW1 1916. His Father was from Hastings, and his parents returned there.
Nquza, Jabez - South African Native Labour Corps; washed ashore after shipwreck. WW1
Nye, Peter, Mercy & George - A family from Bohemia;
O'Clery, Countess Katharine - married and lived in Hastings
Page, Charles - The Story of “RX Boy Billie 61” and those lost with her
Parsons, Albert & Amelia, and their daughter Ethel - local, younger brother of F. J. Parsons
Parsons, F. J, Sara & Family - “the proprietor of one of the most important enterprises in the town “The Observer” … the architect of his own fortune”
Patmore, Marianne 2nd wife of Coventry Patmore
Pelham, James (Great church and municipal worker) & Maria (A Loss to the Poor of St Leonards)
Penley, William Sidney - actor and theatre manager; performed locally
Percival, William Spencer - H.B.M. Civil Service / Shanghai China; author and adventurer. His wife Mary is buried with him
Philcox, Ernest & wife, Maria Mary - part owner of the New Albertine
Philcox, William John - lived locally, WW1 KIA
Phillips, Charles - fisherman, lost with the Henrietta
Phillips, Charles Henry Leigh died aged 8, his father was Charles, but which of the 45 - 50 Charles Phillips in Hastings at the time?
Phillips, Frederick Charles - fisherman, drowned
Phillips, Henry & Albert (and their wives) - members of a local notable cricketing family
Phillips, Stephen - a poet who enjoyed a decade of fame, said to have died with the word 'Hastings' on his lips.
Philpot Family - buried in AV H03, AV I03 and AV K01. - PHILPOT’S. Drapers, at no’s 37 - 38 Marina, St Leonards opened as a ‘lace and cap’ shop in 1836, and closed in 1986 by which time their address was 37 - 40 Marine Court.
Piasecki, Sergiusz - a Polish writer, convicted armed robber and smuggler, a brave resistance fighter, a member of Intelligence forces, an executioner……..
Pickrell, Leslie John - remembered on aunt's grave. Died WW1 1918
Pickrell, William & Family - local family, records show some anomalies
Pogson, Colonel John, wife Alice, Harold (son) and Emily Maria Gorham, (daughter) - Colonel Pogson was in H M Regiment NI Bombay [India]
Polis, Jospeh - Belgian, died of wounds received on the Belgian Front, WW1 1916
Pollard, James - local family; died 1925 of tubercular encephalitis, presumably contracted during war service
Porter, Muriel Matters - born in South Australia, a suffragist who was the first woman to "speak" in the British Parliament (cremated)
Pratt, Peter James - Lance corporal, KIA WW1 - Family grave
Prelooker, Jaakoff - Russian émigré, founder of ‘New Israel’, prolific writer, lecturer and emancipist - & his daughter, Miriam
Pritchard, Dr. William Clowes - born in Australia, lived in Hastings for many years, ward named after him at the Buchanan Hospital.
Proudfoot, Robert - A Canadian by birth, he served throughout the greater part the Great War With the Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force, and, following wounds, was later transferred to the Canadian Military Police in England, and during that time he was married in Hastings and had recently returned here.
Putland, Stephen, (Senior) his wife Mary, and various family members. - He was Borough Surveyor, and in 1873 he became a Justice of the Peace and Chief Magistrate. In 1864 he was Mayor of Hastings
Q - S
Ranger, James William - buried with his aunt in a grave of four
Ransford, Annie Cash - for 14 years Matron of the Buchanan Hospital, died in a road accident.
Ransom, Charlotte - Servant
Ransom, William - founder and first editor of the Hastings and St Leonards News; lifelong friend of Barbara Bodichon.
Rasmussen, Andrew, Henrietta & John - We know Andrew and Henrietta are both buried in Hastings, we know Andrew’s employment, but have been able to find out very little more! (Thus far)
Redman, Adelia, Robert and son Herbert - Robert licensee of The Globe and The Highlands hotel.
Rensch, Arthur Charles - lived locally; killed in the Balkans Campaign 1917 WW1
Riddle, Edward - local; WW1 casualty
Riley, Harry Leslie - local, died WW1
Riley, Robert James - local; accidentally killed in Salonica on 8th June 1916 whilst going to help a colleague; WW1
Robertson Family tomb - Patrick Francis Robertson Father of the America Ground; Member of Parliament for Hastings 1852-1859 and 1865-1868
Robins, T E & Family - came to Hastings in 1919, after many years in India having retired as Harbour Master of Calcutta [now Kolkata]. Died in India in 1925. The eldest daughter, Elsie, was born in Hastings in Calcutta, and died in Hastings, England.
Robinson, Jesse - obelisk erected to the memory of an esteemed comrade by the officers and members of his company
Robison, Agnes Rose - Widow of the late William Cowper Robison, Formerly widow of the late James Wren Carlile Napier, New Zealand
Rock, James and son James - local Carriage Builders to the world, son also an inventor
Roddis, George - Plummer Roddis was the most successful retail enterprise in the history of the town
Rodwell, Rev. John Medows - a scholar and a linguist; lived in St Leonards for many years. Translated the Koran
Ross, Percy T - Sergeant - author, artist, sportsman. KIA, WW1
Ross, Thomas & Family - Politician, Councillor, Chairman of Guardians, Alderman, Archaeologist, Mayor, Justice of the Peace
Salter, Thomas, Elizabeth and their son, Archibald Salter - Archibald was reported missing at Ypres in 1918. WW1
Samways, Alexander, local; died WW1 1916
Sandford, Caroline Julia Wills - died aged 81, a stalwart of St Paul’s ChurchSavery, Ann Marie - longtime Hastings resident
Sargent, Harriet & Spencer - Harriet “an affectionate mother and a good wife” and Spencer “an aged and respected farmer”
Savery, Dr. John - practised in Hastings for 50 years
Savery, John Charles - "one of the most distinguished members of the medical profession that the town has ever produced"
Saville, Alfred Thomas 1839- 1915 Missionary
Schmalz, Gustave & Margaret - retired German consul and merchant, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Parents of artist John Wilson [Carmichael] Schmalz
Sewell, Edward Leppingwell, Emily Caroline & son Edward John Leppingwell - died of wounds, WW1, 1918 Page: Sewell Family
Seymour, Ernest - (KIA WW1) and Emma Agnes
Shakespear, John Dowdeswell Army, India, South Africa
Shaw, Fanny Mary, Douglas Frank and Second Lieutenant Cuthbert Frank Shaw; born locally; WW1, KIA
Shaw, Frank Herbert - advisory medical officer to the Buchanan Hospital and generally thought of as the ‘father of the hospital’.
Sherer, Major General Joseph Ford, Charlotte Louisa, and two of their children - Served in India for many year, the “father” of polo, his wife was one of the children of Mary Goldney.
Shipton, Anna - In the years between 1855 and 1890 Anna Shipton published over twenty books on religious subjects. She lived for some years in St. Leonards. [Author]
Shrimpton, Alexander & son Lennox - a draper who lived in Nottingham but visited Hastings frequently, where he had two sisters. Lennox, WW1, KIA is buried in Belgium
Simpkinson, Francis Guillemard see de Wesselow
Skinner, Arthur Banks - local family, Director of the Victoria and Albert Museum from 1905 - 8
Slade, Robert - family grave, Roberrt, his wife Lydia, son Robert, and daughter Emma and her husband, Rev. Arthur Seys Howell
Slade, William & Mary Ann - lived many years in Hastings. William was a faithful friend & earnest supporter of the British & Foreign Bible Society, and of Sunday School work in connection with the Congregational Churches at Leeds & Hastings. Mary Ann formed the Bourne Mission for Fishermen and was a schoolteacher.
Slade, William - son of above; Local music dealer. Came to Hastings 1862, and his daughter, Alice Muriel, who died aged 12, 21/09/1896.
Slow Family - local family; two sons died in WW1, (one mystery, or possibly two)
Smith , Edwin & family - lived in Clive Vale House and credited with developing the area. Also lived at Ashburnham House and East Cliff House
Smith, James Henry & Alice Elizabeth - searching for and restoring a grave, Landlord of the Highland Hotel, and the Jenny Lind.
Smith, John (Yorky) Builder
Smith, W. G. Lance Corporal 14th Winnipeg Rifles died in France 12th August 1918 aged 37
Smith, William Hiram & Minnie Eliza - lived locally; died of wounds - WW1
Smithers, Trooper Charles Frederick - varied military career, lived locally
Somervell, Major William - Northumberland Fusiliers, stone erected by his fellow officers
Stamp, Ernest Blatspiel & Douglas B (KIA WW1, 1916) : Constance Isabella Jones, neé Stamp
Staveley, Charlotte and brother Alfred - born in Mauritius, from a renowned military family
Stevens, Eliza, and son George - KIA WW1, 1915 - local
Stoddart, Clara Elizabeth - her husband was in the Madras Staff Corps. (India) Unusual grave stone
Stoddart, James - son and grandson of watchmakers; he and his third wife, Ann Maria, retired to Hastings
Stone , Julia Mary - it was believed that this was the site of Ada Brownrigg (Julia’s mother) but a new reading of the tomb revealed it was Julia, aged 16, offspring of Ada’s first marriage, buried here.
Stone , William John Brampton & parents - Local; WW1 Died in Military Hospital; William Senior - “his lifework was with the Friendly Societies”
Stonestreet Sisters - daughters of Rev. George Stonestreet, and tireless philanthropic workers
Strachan, Amelia - shortly after marriage she and her husband went to Australia, where he died. She returned home and later moved to Hastings.Strickland Family; son Herbert Slade WW1; parents, Francis and Jane (see below)
Strickland, Georgiana & Jane, (daughters of George, who built Harpsichord House and started a Hastings dynasty) and their nephew Louis Waghorn
Strickland, Jane - daughter of Mary Ann Slade, below, and like her an active supporter of women’s emancipation and much more.
Stroud, George Edward Bracey - local; serving with the Royal Navy on HMS Albemarle when he was accidentally drowned 1915. WW1
Strutt, George, Sophia (local) & Frederick Victor - emigrated to Canada, MIA, presumed killed, 1918
Summers, Cyril Henry Gerald - commemorated on the grave of his grandfather Henry Summers. KIA WW1
Suter, Edward Dyer
Sutton, John, - local; WW1 KIA - remembered on his parents' grave - John and Phoebe; also Louis Victor, WW1 casualty, died from wounds, 1918 aged 19
Swaine, Sophie
Tassell, Edward Victor, - local; WW1
Taylor, Henry John - died as as result of injuries gained assisting a Hastings boat in distress
Teed, Major Edmund - SOLDIERS' AND FREE MASONS' TRIBUTES - Not for years has Hastings witnessed a military funeral of such imposing character …….. WW1, 1914, on Screen Wall
Thiele, Herman, Basil & Louisa - local girl (see Dixon, ) Herman served (and died) in India. Surgeon; Doctor
Thiselton-Dyer Family Army, India
Thomas, Edwin - engineer of steam launch, drowned
Thomas, George Danford & wife Sarah - HM Coroner for the county of London and Middlesex
Thorburn , Thomas James - non-fiction author and acting Headmaster of Hastings Grammar School
Thorburn, Charles Edward Angus - WW1 casualty
Thorburn, Walter & Jane - Minister to the Free Church of Scotland in Bermuda
Thorpe, George Archibald - Mayor of Hastings 1874-5, 1883, 1886
Tilt, Edward John Medicine
Thrupp, Leonard William & Annie Elizabeth, daughters Ada & Clara - daughters born in Adelaide, South Australia before the family retired to St Leonards.
Todd, Albert Charles - lied about his age in WW1 enlistment; died aged 18 in battle. 1916
Todman Brothers - Archibald,(WW1 KIA) Francis and Ernest - both died as a result of WW1 service
Tolhurst, Tilden Publican. Thief
Tompkins, Edgar James - Quartermaster Sergeant, regular soldier, served in South Africa and India. Wife’s grave - Edith Mary - KIA, WW1
Toogood, Mary Jane, Charles Frank & Frederick N. - lived locally; Charles KIA WW1, 1915
Tottenham, Rev. J W & Family - headmaster of St Leonards School for thirty years; donated his museum to Brassey Institute. (Ann's memorial speaks for her.)
Travers, Otho Robert & son Otho Boyd - father surgeon in St Leonards
Tree , Alderman Ben Harry Went JP - local; served as Mayor for four terms. Left money in trust for the benefit of the people of Hastings
Trimming Family - two generations, with connections to Ebenezer Chapel, in two graves. Son John built in Clive Vale and later emigrated to Canada with some of his family
Trollope, Dr. Thomas - in practice locally, and a benefactor of assorted charities
Truscott, Jessie Guthrie & son - Truscott, Francis George - won Military Cross. Shot down and died from wounds, 1917. WW1, aged 22.
Tubbs , Colonel Robert Tubbs Nightingale & Fanny Cecilia generous and benevolent owner of Caple-ne-Ferne; wife active in women’s suffrage
Tuppenney, Frederick - three times Mayor of Hastings
Turner, Artie - KIA, WW1 - family grave (Edwin and Florence)
Turner, Thomas - landlord of the Havelock Hotel
Twells, Alice - Worker, Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps; died in an accident[?] aged 18 years. Military funeral
Tyhurst, Edward & Mary Ann - local hatter, draper and tailor
Tyrrell, Frank Cecil - local family; on the grave of his parents, Frederick & Annie - WW1 KIA
U - Z
Vanzetti, Emma - Mother & daughter, family of an officer in the Bengal Infantry
Veness, John - James and Elizabeth, local fisherman, drowned
Ventris, Francis, Helen Maud, Alan, Edward (E.F.V.), C. Peyton, Mona Goss, Madeline Bount, Patrick Clavell Blount - a Services family - Francis lived in St Leonards after his retirement from the Army. Alan was killed in Action, WW1, 1915, aged 18
Vidler, Charles, Mary Ann & Wallace - Charles was a painter and decorator and undertaker. He and his wife died within a few days of each other. Their only son, Wallace, drowned in China a few years later.
Vincett Family - Local butchers
Von Schlippenbach Mortimer Achill Graf - family lived locally
Vores, Rev. Thomas & Elisabeth Plomley - for 33 years incumbent at St Mary-in-the-Castle
Voysey, George & Martha, & Elizabeth Shuckford - lived here since 1837, architect, lawyer, property owner
Wallis, William - died in 1920 as result of being gassed in WW1
Walsh, Alexander Sarsfield - son of Maurice Walsh
Walsh, Maurice Sarsfield Editor, Hastings Observer
Ward, Henry - an architect widely known and respected throughout Hastings and in professional circles throughout the country
Ward, William & Toriana - service in the Indian Army, cousins, descended from Nelson’s family
Watts Family - second wife and two daughters of artist Frederick Watts. Daughter Alice also a painter.
Wearing, Capt. James Williamson.JP. barrister-at-law, and his wife, Ethel Maud, Marchioness della Taflia (Maltese title) Lived in St Leonards
Weeks, Percy - KIA, WW1, on memorial with his wife, Maud
Welch Family - Lived mostly in London. Moved here sometime after 1911.
Wells, Arthur - architect, St Helen's Secondary School / White Rock Baths / Palace Hotel, etc: improvements to Gaiety Theatre / Normanhurst; / director of Gaiety Theatre
Wells, Eudo, Sir Mordaunt and his wives - Eudo was in the navy and died in south east Asia, Sir Mordaunt was a somewhat controversial judge in Calcutta
Wesselow - see de Wesselow,Francis Guillemard Simpkinson
Whistler Family - Annie, “Whistler’s Mother”, William - doctor, Helen (nee Ionides)
White, Alfred, Alfreda and Lydia - lived locally; died during WW1 while captaining on board S S Strombus
White, John Ebenezer & Family - local dairyman, Devonshire Dairy of Queens Road and later Quarry
Wiggins, Captain Francis Chantrey - 70th Reg. D.M. Bengal Army, who died in a street in Southampton, aged 38
Williams, Daniel - contractor for the Toowoomba and Warwick Railway, (and others) “a very old Australian colonist”
Williams - Miller Families LOCAL WEDDING. The stories behind this wedding; the couple went to Australia, where the husband died. the wife, and their two children, returned to St Leonards., Amelia - shortly after marriage she and her husband went to Australia, where he died. She returned home and lped run her family’s greengrocery in St Leonards.
Miller, Charles Williams, greengrocer
Williams, Harold Elphee & wife Blanche Daisy
Williams, James Frederick - One of the crew Of the Hastings fishing boat, Pioneer, drowned
Willis, Edgar Reginald - KIA, WW1 - family grave - Reginald John, Thomas Walter (Stonemason), Emily Georgina Willis
Wills, William - solicitor, author of Law text book. Fulsome obituary
Wilson, Eliza & Charles - Charles late of Sydney NSW, little else known, recorded because of state of memorial.
Wilson, William - “He was a faithful servant & trusted friend” T. Muir Dalziel, whose wife Agnes is also commemorated.
Winebloom Family - lost a son in WW1, 1917 aged 21. His parents, James & Mary Anne moved to Hastings sometime after the war, as the CWGC entry gives their address as originally of 21 Beechwood Terrace, Leeds, then of 32 Gordon Terrace, Scarborough. Edward is remembered on their local grave
Wolfen, William and Mary, and his second wife Amy - William was born in Prussia, spent sometime in Australia, where he was the honorary Consul for Sweden for which he was awarded the Chevalier de L'Ordre Royal De Wasa. “The many friends who knew Mary in Sydney and later London and St. Leonards, and all the poor who came in her way, found her most kind-hearted, and unselfish woman, and she was a devoted wife.” Amy was for nine years matron of the Poor Children's Convalescent Home, West Hill, St Leonards.
Wood Brothers, Athur, Cecil (Reported Missing, & later confirmed KIA, WW1 1917, aged 19) and Frank
Woodhams, Margaret Ann - local; faithful servant
Woodruffe, Charles Sheldon Pearce - Captain, Royal Navy, Hastings Coastguard
Yeates, Victor Maslin - author of 'Winged Victory', died in Fairlight Sanatorium of an illness due to World War One, (WW1).
Zamoyska, Maria - died aged one, prominent Polish family, memorial disappeared